Global Trading Gold Club (G.T.G.C.)

Today, on the Board of Shame of the Trading Safety Association, we are adding a scam that is new in every sense of the word — Global Trading Gold Club (G.T.G.C.). Scammers from G.T.G.C. are people that are extremely creative and managed to surprise even our experts who have seen a lot. We will not reveal all the cards ahead of time, but G.T.G.C. surprised us with both form and content.
What is G.T.G.C.
Global Trading Gold Club (G.T.G.C.) is an organization registered in the Republic of Belarus and engaged in intermediary activities between brokers and traders. They have a certificate of registration of LLC «WORLD TRADERS GOLD CLUB». Fraudsters officially registered themselves in May 2018, so there are not many reviews of Global Trading Gold Club, but they are quite straightforward.
The only question that arises immediately when analyzing G.T.G.C. is — Why is this company needed and who will use its services that are not free at all? Generally speaking, we have another fraudulent office that provides two tasks at once: firstly, swindlers from G.T.G.C. convince gullible citizens that the next pseudo broker is not just a bucket shop, but a serious partner on the road to success, and secondly, they also take money for it. Quite a lot of fake reviewers, regulators and consultants have already amassed on our Board of shame, but for the first time in our practice, scammers hit upon the idea to sell this kind of lie for money.
It is absolutely clear to any reasonable person that it is possible to work productively and make a profit only in close cooperation with a reliable broker. So, why would you need a shell company? In addition, nowhere and nohow G.T.G.C. sheds light on the terms of its services. In fact, they sell information to the client about which broker is reliable. And according to the reviews of G.T.G.C., in most cases only shady brokers with clear evidence of fraudulent activities are recommended to everyone.
But there’s more to come. Of the little bits of information that is on the Global Trading Gold Club website, it is clear that the scammers are preparing in advance to avoid any responsibility for their actions. G.T.G.C. does not deal with the coordination of working conditions when concluding contracts between brokers and traders and generally does not conduct business on behalf of its clients. G.T.G.C. also does not bear responsibility for the results of brokers.
Fraud in its substance and nonsense in its form
But not all of the above struck us when analyzing Global Trading Gold Club. Examining the G.T.G.C. website we always got on the feeling that we were reading the resolution of the plenum of the CPSU Central Committee of the 80-es. In fact, almost the entire scam site consists of slogans, references to post-war generations and the building of communism in a single family by the 80th. Quote from the website of the scammers G.T.G.C.: «…build real communism in individual families, using the knowledge and talent of a trader in the topics of Forex, Gold, Oil, Futures…«.
Let’s summarize
Global Trading Gold Club (G.T.G.C.) is nothing more than another scam group that tricks inexperienced investors. Analyzing the alleged activities of G.T.G.C. you can come to only one definite conclusion: everything that scammers offer is absolutely pointless. But if you take into account that we are just regular swindlers, everything immediately falls into place. The main task of G.T.G.C. is to bring the client completely vulnerable directly to the “bucket shop”, receiving payment from him/her for the worthless services.
Remember, a company providing consulting services cannot avoid responsibility for its actions. Otherwise, you will not get advice, but profanity. Reviews of Global Trading Gold Club also tell us that hey are just regular scammers. We recommend you to avoid any collaboration with Global Trading Gold Club.